Ever since we did an activity on making dough, Justin has been requesting to play with flour again. I thought that he should try baking some cookies instead. So today, I prepared all the ingredients and we started our baking session while Jonathan was taking his afternoon nap. He was so excited that I had to calm him down before starting. He kept asking me what the next step was.
Doesn't he look very serious? I think he has matured quite a bit. He managed to keep the work table quite clean too!
The cookie dough was ready after ten minutes of mixing. Then, Justin attempted the unthinkable - tasting the uncooked cookie dough.
Rolling began. He rolled it too thinly in his first attempt, and then started to play with it like playdough. I had to remind him that we would be eating it, no playing and squishing.
With some help, he finished flattening the dough and proceeded to cut the dough into shapes. There were mickey, minnie, pooh, piglet and the gingerbread man cutters. We also added chocolate chips for their eyes, noses and the gingerbread man's shirt.
Jonathan woke up and he began using a separate set of cutters to shape the dough.
Meanwhile, ... ...
a fresh aroma of cookies came from the kitchen.
Our cookies were ready!!!!
Our cookies were ready!!!!
Fresh from the oven
Justin gave some cookies to a special guest from singapore on that day . The rest were in his container to be shared with his brother and savoured slowly.